As if climaxing an amazing period of art making, connecting, reconnecting and just generally being amazingly busy! Last week I was lucky enough to be in three amazing shows! Then one this week! Good Times

I made this flyer using extremely out of date software.

Outside the Deli Building, a flyer using an image put together by the folks
at Dark Beauty Magazine!

Inside, some of our wares! Nick Beery and my stuff side-by-side!

A wall with all our stuff!

Me and my artwork
(Including a piece made with amazing artist Maggie Harbaugh)!

More Deli peeps!


That same night in the infamous 619 Western Building a Group show at X17

X17, with some of my work in the background!
(Hopefully more pictures to come)

Friday at the Lo-Fi another awesome show--
this one with Starheadboy, Solace and I in it!
Highlighted by some awesome conversations!

Groovie Ghoulies Get-Together show! The next week on Thursday!
Then last night, Live painting at the REBAR! Been a busy boy!

Many thanks to the folks at Deli and X17 for the images used in this blog entry.