The doors won't officially close till sometime in the next couple of weeks, and us artists don't have to pick up our art quite yet; but for all intents and purposes last night was the last night of the Orange Splot Gallery. It was a great show, with new work by all the regulars and Nick Beery was back from Chicago to blow us all away! Two exciting years, wherein we have all grown so much as artists and have become really good friends. I know that I personally have grown so much since that first painting commissioned by an ex-girlfriend for her wall three or so years ago...
By the end of the night, we all came away with some art sold and some art traded with fellow artists. Afterward, "Henry", Kevin, Wes and I trudged, (like the Zombies that had earlier filled the Fremont streets in an effort to get into the Guinness Book of World Records) to one of the places we always seem to end up and had a great time and a good-natured argument about life, love and sex. I sometimes forget how lucky I have always been and how I have never lost that magical gleam in my eye, but I don't want to say too much about the secret rites that went on that night under the watchful gaze of the silver moon. To tell too much is punishable by death or severe mutilation--or at least that's what Henry said, but I think he was joking...I hope he was joking...I hope I haven't already said too much.