Thursday, July 30, 2020

Xavier Lopez Performance #5B. The Soft Cyborg: Super Sugar Bear.

At the same performance of the Soft Cyborg, The Super Sugar Bear is an exemplification of the Soft Cyborg and how this manifesto was turned into performance.  In this performance, I dressed up in a giant grey teddy bear, from which I had taken out all the stuffing.  The name taken from a friend of my father's when I was growing up, who was part of the Chicano Art movement in California, he was called "Sugar Bear," and if I remember correctly, he might even have been my godfather!  I actually remember asking my parents what this meant and being worried that he was going to take me away! 

In the actual performance, I dressed as a cute bear, who mugged for the camera and elicited many awes, much like a real teddy bear would.  The bear then reached into an opening in the "bottom" of his bear suit and mirroring the first art act for many of us, reaches in and pulls out chocolate icing and draws a big flower for the audience.  This act of creation is part of most of my performances and the flower has been abstract as in "Tales of the Soft Cyborg: The Spaniard," and "Teaching a Hare to Tell Time,"  to a flower that blooms into a nuclear explosion in "The Magician" segment of  "When the Body Speaks."

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